Q&A with speaker Jerry Chetty

Jerry Chetty is a crime buster. Well, technically he is a forensic expert at Santam whose work entails developing and implementing strategies to address the ever growing threat of economic crime within the Santam Group but he nevertheless fights crime with numbers. He provides training, awareness and advice on all matters pertaining to economic crime as well as the formulation of strategy for Forensic Services to counter economic crime.

Jerry is a member of the Institute of Commercial Forensic Practioners (ICFP) and is a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE).

We conducted our own interrogation of Jerry around Big Data, Business Intelligence and forensic crime.

What is the best piece of advice you can give concerning Big Data and Business Intelligence? 

From a Forensic perspective Big Data and Business Intelligence can either be a great resource or a huge obstacle in an investigation process especially in organisations that are data heavy. It is going to provide investigators within these industries the intelligence to successfully resolve incidents of economic crime and implement early warning measure to prevent and detect.

Define Big Data and BI in five words or less? 

Excessive Information and information management.

What has been your career highlight thus far? 

Being appointed senior manager of Forensic Services for the Santam Group and successfully driving the various initiatives to curb economic crime.

Why should people attend Mammoth BI? 

Mammoth BI will provide a platform for likeminded people to network and explore/discuss the opportunities that Big Data and BI offers.

What is the subject of the presentation you will be delivering? 

Effectively using Big Data and BI in solving and preventing economic crime in a data heavy industry like insurance.

Book to see crime fighter Jerry in action here.

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