Microsoft South Africa a proud sponsor of Mammoth BI

Microsoft South Africa is sponsoring the Mammoth BI and Synergy event for several reasons.

When we look at the top technology trends based on the third party analyst research firms, we see that the top trends are listed as: Mobility and Devices, Social Applications, Big Data and Cloud.

As Microsoft, we tend to define our strategy according to our customers’ needs. Therefore, our overall vision has been set as Mobile first, Cloud first! As our leadership team has already stated that the mobile first cloud first strategy can’t be thought of without the data component. The strategy makes sense as long as one can understand the data associated with the mobile and cloud world. Hence, mobility and cloud usage through applications would generate vast amount of data and enable us to collect, store, access, report and analyze more data than ever before. The real question is how much of the data we understand and are able to gain any insights. The companies who will be able to gain insights on the new data or big data will gain a huge competitive advantage over their competitors in their markets.

Microsoft believes that the companies should be able to turn data into insights, insights into actions to make more informed decisions to run their businesses more effectively. We are looking increasing number of varieties of data, bigger volumes of data, data that is being generated unstructured ways at a high velocity yet the value companies receiving in return is still low. Our goal, as a company, is to increase the value enterprises – big and small – are getting from the investments they are making in data management and business analytics.

As Microsoft for that we provide end-to-end data platform to manage and understand all types of data – small, big, on premise or on cloud and from traditional analytics to more advanced predictive analytics with machine learnings and Internet of Things where machine to machine data has been included in the spectrum of data analysis. Microsoft is a huge supporter of the data analytics to be consumed not only by data analysts but everyone who is involved in business decision making at all levels of organizations.

Since the Mammoth Conference is addressing the new trends and technologies of data analytics including machine learning, cloud computing, big data, predictive analytics, Microsoft South Africa would like to take part in this journey to learn, understand customers’ needs better and provide a wide spectrum of solutions and build more business cases for wider use of data analytics in the market place.”

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